100 წელზე მეტი გამოცდილება და ტრადიცია მეტი ხარისხსისა და უსაფრთხოებისთვის
Oasi nella crescita კონტროლისა და ხარისხის განსაკუთრებული სტანდარტების გარანტია-მკაცრი კონტროლი, მეტი ხარისხი და უსაფრთხოება, რაც აღემატება კანონით გათვალისწინებულ მოთხოვნებს.
ყველა ჩვენი პროდუქტი შექმნილი და შესწავლილია ჩვენი “კვლევა-განვითარების ჯგუფის” მიერ.
პროდუქცია ყოველდღიურად მოწმდება და გადის 10 000 ლაბორატორიულ შემოწმებას, რათა მივიღოთ უფრო მეტი უსაფრთხოების გარანტია
1902 წლიდან დედების არჩევანი იტალიაში
The Pervomaisky milk canning factory is the largest producer of condensed milk in Ukraine. The plant is part of the Voloshkove Pole group of companies, which has been operating since 1956.
Oleina has been an integral part of millions of kitchens for 20 years. Oleina oil is produced by Bunge Ukraine, which belongs to the world market leader of agro and food products. Every Oleina product is made from the highest quality Ukrainian sunflower seeds and certified by world experts.
Dallmayer has been one of the best German coffee brands for 300 years, offering outstanding service and products to the world. Dallmayer constantly cooperates with both international and local suppliers of raw materials and delicacies and offers a wide range of high-quality coffee.
For more than 50 years, Huggies has been an integral part of the lives of children and their parents. Since 1968 until today, Huggies has passed a long way of development, thanks to an innovative approach, quality control, and constant cooperation with doctors - diapers have become even softer, more convenient, and high-grade.
The company Nutricia has more than 120 years of experience in the production of early childhood nutrition. Nutricia is constantly striving to improve its products and, with the help of more than 500 expert enthusiasts, has been conducting research for 40 years to provide children with even healthier, wholesome food.
Malutka brand adapted milk is produced by the company Istra-Nutricia, which has more than 120 years of experience in infant formula development and research. Malutka adapted milk contains all the minerals and vitamins necessary for the growth and development of the child.
The German brand Nuk has been creating high-quality products for more than 70 years, the innovative design of which promotes the proper development and health of the child. Nuk's main requirement is safe production and quality control, thus ,,Nuk’’ is one of the first brands which refused to use bisphenol A in its products.
Bubchen, the N1 brand in Germany, was founded in 1940 and soon won the trust of mothers worldwide. All Bubchen care products are made with natural ingredients on a plant basis and most importantly, do not contain dyes, preservatives, and essential oils, and do not cause skin irritation. Bubchen is always trying to develop production, and that is why ,,Bubchen’’ has been enjoying ECO-friendly status for years.
The German brand Heinz has been taking care of children's health and nutrition for 150 years. Heinz quickly became a children's favorite brand thanks to its different and pleasant flavors. Its products are saturated with 100% natural ingredients, minerals and vitamins.
Makfa has joined the leading companies in the food industry since 2000. Its name is obtained by combining two words - macaron and fabric. Makfa has been the N1 brand in the pasta industry for years in the pasta segment. The rising sun and windmill symbol used in its logo represent the beginning of a new day and the constant growth.
Makfa has joined the leading companies in the food industry since 2000. Its name is obtained by combining two words - macaron and fabric. Makfa has been the N1 brand in the pasta industry for years in the pasta segment. The rising sun and windmill symbol used in its logo represent the beginning of a new day and the constant growth.
Agro Alliance is one of the leading exporters of oilseeds and grain crops in Ukraine, the success of the company begins in 2010. Exactly since then, Agro Alliance started an international partnership and gained the trust and love of customers thanks to the high quality of products, timely logistics and competitive price.
The main characteristic of Vigo brand products is high quality and affordable price. The main goal of the brand is to offer consumers all the things they need for everyday life. With the help of Vigo, you will be able to clean the house and prepare a delicious dinner for the whole family!
For 100 years, women have been the source of inspiration and the driving force for the American brand, Kotex. Kotex believes that nothing can stop the progress of women, neither the period nor the negative experience related to it. The brand aims to break down the period stigma and promotes the comfort and development of women.
Kleenex, the leader of paper hygiene products, has been operating on the market since 1924. Kleenex offers a wide range of paper napkins and hygiene products.
Capro Oil is one of the largest manufacturers of high-tech fats and oils for food and has been operating on the Ukrainian market in its name since 2019. Before that, since 2002, Carpo oil was part of Creative Group, the first largest oil producer. The products of the brand are distinguished by the highest quality and competitive price, and the production process is characterized by innovation and high standards.
Macaron "Smack" is made of the best quality ecologically clean raw materials using Italian technology, contains vitamins and minerals (sodium, calcium, magnesium, and others), and is tasty and affordable.